Do not lower the drinking age to 18 essay
The biggest problem with this is that lowering the drinking age to eighteen will legalize high school teens to be able to purchase alcohol, thus making it more readily available for all teens in high school, which highly outweigh the benefits by a long shot. The two positions argue whether or not people under the age of 21 should be given the legal right to drink.. When the drinking age was at 18 alcohol was more available to all high school students. Traffic accidents and fatalities could also be lowered by lowering the drinking age. A reform should be made about the age of drinking for numerous reasons in my personal viewpoint The few that wish for it to be lowered argue that it will encourage responsible drinking habits in safe environments, and that people aged 18 have the right to consume alcohol as legal adults. When it comes to the law, there is always an opinion. Congress passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act which raised the lower limit imbibing age from 18 to 21. Some say that lowering the age would make it more dangerous, but that is not the case. We can custom-write anything as well! These people also believe that it is the responsibility of the parents to promote safe alcohol consumption I do not think the legal drinking age should be lowered because of the following reasons. Legal access to alcohol for 18 year-olds will provide more opportunities for younger teens to obtain it illegally from older peers, making. In some cases keeping the minimum drinking age at 21 encourages teens to drink more. Underaged drinking can cause violent behaviors, attempt suicide, brain damage, and health effects that can last the rest of their lives. There have been many debates when it comes to lowering the drinking age; some are against the idea and some are for the idea This explains that there is a big probability that lowering the drinking age to eighteen will cause no problems in suicide or criminal activities by adolescents. It causes blackouts, effects on the brain and liver, risky sexual behavior, and death. This made it a requirement for all states to return the drinking age to 21 by 1989 Good Essays. There have been many debates when it comes to lowering the drinking age; some are against the idea and some are for the idea The legal drinking age started at 21 years old in the 1930’s. I do not think the legal drinking age should be lowered because of the following reasons. A reform should be made about the age of drinking for numerous reasons in my personal viewpoint Check out this FREE essay on Lowering The Legal Drinking Age To 18. The principal problem is not the age of drinking, but the hidden binge side of it. The number one leading cause of death among teens is car accidents: lowering the drinking age to 18 would just. Org ) The legal drinking age started at 21 years old in the 1930’s. Being eighteen is a privilege, and most take advantage of that There is no uncertainty that devouring alcoholic drinks below the age of 18 has been shown scientifically to negatively impact the human encephalon and lead to destructive behavioral forms later in life. There is no taboo subject in America quote like underage drinking. Finally, lowering the drinking age to 18 years is likely to affect the issue of drunk driving. The body does not stop developing till the age
do not lower the drinking age to 18 essay of 25. 000 college essays for A+ grades. Alcohol consumption also interferes with brain development among teens, making them vulnerable to memory loss, depression, violence, and addiction and reducing decision-making ability There would be less underage drinking, and by lowering the age to eighteen would decrease unsafe drinking activity. One of the reasons why the drinking age is set at 21 years is the belief that it will discourage young people from driving under the influence of alcohol The context of this essay will focus on young teens who actually drink underage also. In fact, research suggests that lowering the drinking age will make alcohol more available to an even younger population, replacing "forbidden fruit" with "low-hanging fruit. During the Vietnam War era the legal drinking age was lowered to 18 to accommodate the soldiers that were in the War There has been an excessive increase in the amount of fatalities due to allowing 18 year olds to drink. However, critics point to the fact that many studies show that when the consumption age is lowered a greater percentage of teens between the ages of 15 – 16 consume alcohol (38%) as compared to 20% of teens in the U. The legal age of drinking in every country except United States is 18 or younger The practices and behaviors of 18 year-olds are particularly influential on 15 to 17 year-olds (Bonnie, p.
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Works Cited Alcohol and Adolescent Brain Development. Such as illicit drug usage and orgy imbibing. The Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered The legal drinking age should not be lowered as it has been proven do not lower the drinking age to 18 essay it will have negative effects on the individual and society. This changed when Ronald Regan proposed the Uniform Drinking
do not lower the drinking age to 18 essay Age Act in 1984. Although the US government set the drinking age law, there are many adolescents drinking and it is more and more common from 1992. The legal drinking age started at 21 years old in the 1930’s. ️ and use it to write your own unique paper. Not only does Toomey believe this, but she also goes on to say that, “the minimum legal drinking age of twenty-one saves the lives of well over 1,000 youth each year” (Toomey 3) Essay Oct. Many European states have lower lower limit imbibing age bounds than the United States The Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered The legal drinking age should not be lowered as it has been proven it will have negative effects on the individual and society. Read Example Of Advantages And Disadvantages Of Lowering The Drinking Age From 18 To 21 Essays and other exceptional papers on every subject and topic college can throw at you. Drinking underage is illegal, but also extremely dangerous to your body. In conclusion, lowering the drinking age to 18 would boost the economy, benefit the community, and prevent kids under the age of 21 from binge drinking and reduce the risk of alcohol poisoning in minors. Teens who drink underage are putting themselves at risk of going to jail The government should keep the drinking age at 21 and not reduce it to 18. (“Lowering Drinking Age Limit to 18”) Many car crashes are due to drunk driving, and having young adults at the age of eighteen allowed to buy and drink alcohol can lead to new drivers making wrong decisions on the road. The practices and behaviors of 18 year-olds are particularly influential on 15 to 17 year-olds (Bonnie, p. About 97,000 college students between the ages of 18 and 24 are victims of.