Should marijuana be legalized essay
Otherwise it should not be legalized in any state or in any country Some people believe that it should be legalized. Smoking marijuana, just like cigarettes, puts an individual at high risk of lung cancer and pulmonary diseases (Welsh et al. I think it should be legalized. Archaeologists have “found evidence of marijuana paraphernalia as far back as the first millennium BC in India, China, Africa, and Assyria” (The History of Marijuana, par. Since the history of the Prohibition has shown how ineffective the bans are at controlling addictive substances abuse, it makes more sense to stop criminalizing the recreational use of cannabis. Marijuana’s side effects
should marijuana be legalized essay are not nearly as bad as Alcohol It is already legalized in Uruguay. In this essay I am going to be talking about why marijuana should not be legalized and why it is dangerous for our community and next generation. They think that it is a drug that has no positive use whatsoever The government should legalize Marijuana to increase its annual revenue. In the world of criminal gangs, the various groups try to seek supremacy by eliminating each other. Most marijuana used in United States is smoked—either as cigarettes or in pipes. Legalization of marijuana would create a leeway of the different gangs to become closer to people. Predominantly, cannabis should be made legal because it uses in the medical field are outstanding. Legalizing marijuana would be like adding fuel to a fire. I feel it is safer… Read More. Marijuana is a drug which is comprised of different things and hence it has many psychological effects on the user In my opinion yes it should be legalized! In my opinion, the marijuana should not be legal in any country because of the social ramifications and health implications would be catastrophic. Marijuana should be legalized because it is a great medical plant, it will help keep people out of jail for minor crimes, and there would be a boost in the economy. Marijuana, also known as pot, weed, kush, or dank, is a debated topic nationwide. Marijuana use has health, social, and economic effects. Otherwise it should not be legalized in any state or in any country.. Otherwise it should not be
how to write an application letter for customer service legalized in any state or in any country Length: 519 words Whether or not marijuana should be legalized is a difficult question to answer. Reasons why Marijuana should be legalized. Rosenthal and Kubby argue, “Drug legalization would yield tax revenue of . Marijuana has many beneficial uses medically which is just one of the many reasons it should be legalized. However the more countries decide to implement reforms, the harder the fight of the legalization opponents becomes. First off yes I have smoked it in the past as an adult and as a teenager. It should be the only way to take those drugs. Typically, a sense of well-being is experienced Marijuana Should Be Legalized Essay The issue of whether to legalize or not to legalize the use of marijuana has become a debatable issue various groups and individuals taking various positions regarding this matter. Medical marijuana has cured many cases and hopefully will continue to cure and help should marijuana be legalized essay Americans. It is obvious that today the conditions for the changing of the legal status of cannabis are very favorable. Some conditions such as multiple sclerosis required cannabis as a main constituent to their medical treatment Marijuana Legalization – Cons #5 DUI hazard. Medically, it would bring about several benefits, it is less harmful, and legalization would limit its use. Marijuana should not be legalized because of its adverse health effects as well as its potential to cause addictions, increase crime, encourage misuse, and act as a gateway to hard drugs. Despite the fact that Marijuana is illegal, activists are making efforts to legalize it. This has led to the rise of several movements and civil and human right groups
should marijuana be legalized essay advocating for legalizing marijuana In both cases, the articles conclude that the harmful effects of marijuana are limited and do not exceed the effects of alcohol and tobacco.
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If marijuana were to be legalized these number are sure to increase. With all the research and time spent on the use of. Mostly due to the fact that is not as bad as alcohol and it has some benefits. ” (Legalizing Weed May Benefit Society, Economy) should marijuana be legalized essay Marijuana should be permitted in the United States as its legalization would lead to significant economic benefits, it would lessen cases of illegal drug trafficking and the existence of gangs. It’s the fact that marijuana is illegal that is keeping these numbers so low. This effect is strictly aligned to the smoking aspect. Law enforces must stop hunting down marijuana users with the same vehemence as they do on hard drug users and peddlers Marijuana Legalization – Cons #5 DUI hazard. Custom essay The legalization of marijuana is a hot topic in the world today, because it is still considered to be an illegal illicit drug. There are many reasons why and why not. Marijuana has a sedative effect
should marijuana be legalized essay on some users which may last for hours. I feel that it is not a gateway drug. Otherwise it should should marijuana be legalized essay not be legalized in any state or in any country Marijuana Legalization – Cons #5 DUI hazard. And only 23 percent think legalizing marijuana leads to an
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